
  Optimal Health Secrets



This web site leads people to a place for an expert, science-based, opinion on Wellness matters. Contact us to learn how to get into the Wellness Risk Management Research Project.



Wellness RISK Management (WRM)

The Four Behaviours Surrounding POOR Wellness.
The biggest problem in modern health care is people not doing what science has shown they should be doing, AND people doing the things science has show they should not be doing, AND thinking the things science has shown they should not be thinking, AND not thinking the things science has shown they should be thinking.
So, How Do We Deal with ALL That?
We Measure and we Motivate.

5 pdf Documents as a Brief Overview.

Measure  -   Assess  -   Identify  -   Prioritize  -  Motivate



If you are in PAIN!
Dirty Pain, Clean Pain, How Do You Tell the Difference?


Follow the Science PILOT Wellness Program

Cost Free to the Company


WRM helps a company build Wellness in their workforce.

The End Goal

S  M  A  R  T

S= Specific

      M= Measurable

    A= Attainable

 R= Relevant

       T= Time-Based 

Above all, we want things thorough and comprehensive in the Self-Help field for workers to gain the advantages they need, at their own level, in Chronic Disease Prevention Strategies. Small changes are usually easy. We help people find the right ones for them.

Lifestyle Improvement

Lifestyle Health

Made in Canada.



Chronic Disease Prevention Strategies

The biggest problem in modern health care is people not doing what science has shown they should be doing.

Choices in Wellness RISK Management

Every problem has a solution, and every solution has a problem.

Wellness is about choices. Choices are available when people are ready. Those choices revolve around things we do to make ourselves feel good and things science has shown lead us to less suffering, less disease, less injury and a longer life. Sometimes the choices are easy, sometimes they are difficult. Science shows us that some choices are far better for us than others.

Wellness RISK Management measures a person against the science on five multidimensional Wellness pillars plus several other important indicators. The scores produced by the program offer people several choices which they can make when they are ready.

Wellness RISK Management is designed to be an easy-going modify things on your own if you want to type of program or an intense comprehensive program for evidence-based results. All action plan items are within the traditional science body of knowledge and all are within the Self-Help reach of everyone.

FoodPainConnection principles are a specialty covered in separate workshops and not part of the lifestyles module where the Action Plan List is drawn from. Likewise for Weight loss principles. These are personal choices. Everyone does not have pain nor does everyone need weight loss.

The excessive consumption division is a division supplying a fillable PDF form for self-assessment. There are no therapeutic principles or protocols supplied by the Wellness RISK Management program or by WRM Instructors in this division. As we all know with regard to modifying excessive consumptions, a person has to be ready. WRM cannot make people ‘ready’. That is something they have to do on their own or with help.


People have various choices as they work within the lifestyle module of the Five Pillars. The Action Plan List items are drawn from these pillars. People do not have to deal with any food pain connection protocols, weight loss protocols, or excessive consumption protocols. Those are all individual choices for people to make only if they are needed and are ready. Wellness RISK Management has organised and is ready when people are ready. Also, people have choices within their Action Plan List to skip items and come back to them later. People can re-order their priority list. People keep full control of their lifestyle making choices within their comfort zone.

If people do not want to make any changes, but they want to know their scores as to where they stand in the Wellness RISK Management scoring system, then that is available. These people will have four hours of workshop time saved and credited to them for future use when they need it or want it. Wellness RISK is a key point people most people want to know about. Knowing your risk helps a person make better choices. Better Choices Makes a Better You.